

Der Pinguin

Die Bücher mit den Folien
Onn: 2007
Meet a variety of penguins and learn all about where they live, how they take care of their young, and what they do for fun! Overlay pages that can be turned to change the nature of the next double-page spread..
Ei disponibel en biblioteca.

Art da media : Cudisch tematic

Vegliadetgna : affons

Retscha : Meyers kleine Kinderbibliothek

Illustraziuns : Zeichn.

Lungatg : Tudestg


Bauns da leger

La Biblioteca Trun porscha naven dil matg tochen igl october bauns da leger a Trun silla Senda d’art e Carmanera, a Schlans Davaruns, a Cumpadials silla plazza da giugs, a Rabius silla plazza da giugs. Il team dallas bibliotecaras giavischa bien divertiment cun la lectura da differents cudischs per pign e grond.